You can’t kill something whose nature it is to live
By Hilary White
First time the traditional Mass was celebrated in this church in the US in 50 years. Celebration of the Feast of St. Stanislaus Kostka on November 18th
I think we have misunderstood the promise of Christ of the survival of the Church. You can’t kill something whose nature it is to live. The Faith is like life itself; life is designed to live. It might not make it in this or that particular place, and it may go through periods of such reduction that we would hardly recognise it, but it can’t be killed. Volcanoes make ash that enrich the soil; ice ages spread spores and seeds around the world. Life lives. The Faith is something even stronger.
We hear often the dodge, “Oh, we’d love to do Gregorian Chant or Polyphony, but we just don’t have the resources.” But think for a moment about the resources, effort, the money, the hours of practice, hiring “music ministers,” to create this.
Don’t accept their excuses.