Good heavens! I missed it! : “Wolfe the dauntless” Day!
In days of yore, from Britain’s shore,
Wolfe, the dauntless hero, came
And planted firm Britannia’s flag
On Canada’s fair domain.
Here may it wave, our boast, our pride
And, joined in love together,
The thistle, shamrock, rose entwine
The Maple Leaf forever!
The Maple Leaf, our emblem dear,
The Maple Leaf forever!
God save our Queen and Heaven bless
The Maple Leaf forever!
At Queenston Heights and Lundy’s Lane,
Feast of the Precious Blood
Monte Cassino after the bombing. Everyone who tries, even a little bit, to live a liturgically-ordered life, especially anyone who tries to make a habit of saying the Divine Office, in whole or in part, will know just how incredibly screwed up everything is. Trying to keep up a regular life, that is, a life organised around the liturgical year, is like picking through the rubble left behind by bombing raids, trying to piece together a gigantic jigsaw of smashed stained glass and masonry.
Persecution of nuns getting to be a new episcopal hobby? French Novus Ordo nuns get the FFI treatment.
What do you think? Suspicious looking characters, right? As I’m sure we all know, there’s nothing a bully likes more than an easy target. And if you’ve been in the Catholic Church more than five minutes you will understand how bishops are affected by the Vatican’s fine example.
These days, it seems if you are a canonically recognised religious community who wants to have things even a _little bit_ more traditional, you can run, but apparently you cannot hide.
Pray for our friend Terrye
Of your charity, please say a prayer today for the repose of the soul of our friend Terrye Claire Newkirk, who passed away yesterday.
She was one of my few “internet friends” whom I’d actually met in real life, when she came to Rome a few years ago. I relied upon her for much wise counsel on the religious and spiritual life lived in solitude. Her voice of good Catholic sense will be missed.
The purge continues: the contemplative religious are next
While all the rest of the Catholic world is McCarricking (you heard it as a verb here first!) we’re still plugging through the nun document. The more I read it, and the more I hear from religious about it, the more clear it becomes that this is just the next step in the Great Bergoglian Purge. In fact, these days they’re coming right the heck out and saying it out loud.
A mobile hermitage
I really do spend a good deal of my mental energy thinking of ways I could go and hide.
Canal and lock system near Chester, UK Narrowboats moored up for the winter in Wales. Ever heard of a narrowboat? My Uncle and Aunt in England are big into them. There’s a whole subculture.
You really don’t have to live like they tell you.
Read the rest here.
On Ireland’s suicide
Of a vision Saint Patrick had touching the conversion of Ireland: of his journey to Rome, where he was made Bishop, and of his mission by the Pope’s holiness for Ireland. CHAP. III
WHILE St. Patrick lived with his father, one night, he saw in a vision as it were a man of a comely countenance, and carriage, bringing many letters from Ireland, and giving him one to read: which when he began to read, he found written in the very beginning: “Haec est vox Hibernigenarum.
Where have all the nuns gone? – Cor orans is just the final phase
Latest for the Remnant:
A Dismal Record: Why Are They Destroying the Nuns? …As a snapshot of the current condition of Carmelite monastic life after it had been completely “federated,” it paints a depressing picture; but as a demonstration of what “federations” are likely to achieve once Cor orans is implemented universally, it clangs in the mind like a funeral bell. Reconciled to managed extinction Given this incredible picture of a Carmelite Order in the last rattle of its death throes, the rest of the summaries of speeches given at the meeting in Avila read as outright surreal, leaving us to wonder if any of these people are attached in any way to reality.
A sister speaks: “St. Teresa specifically set up the monasteries so that none of this would take place. And now it’s going to be done to us.”
Latest instalment for the Remnant:
“To have a federal president who can decide to take the novices away, or take all our finances, or tell the Holy See we’re no longer ‘viable’ – this is a disaster. St. Teresa specifically set up the monasteries so that none of this would take place. And now it’s going to be done to us.”
“One other thing that is very striking to me is the complete loss of our rights.
Feedback from Carmelites – some of them are waking to the danger
This is terrifying. The more I read and think about it, and the more I discuss things with nuns themselves, the more frightening and disastrous it seems.
The nuns are just sitting there in the crosshairs. The lack of communication between them is a big part of the problem, and of course, the natural innocent trustingness of nuns devoted to the Faith and the Church.
This is a comment from a Carmelite hermit of my acquaintance via email.