Posso/potrei, potay-to, potah-to…
So, LSN apparently reads me, but I guess I’m too much the Bad Kid these days to get a link. But, whatevs.
Today we have the update that not only has the Vatican website not corrected the “mistake” in their Italian transcription of the pope’s remarks on the plane, they’ve put up an English version with the same “mistake” that also includes a very interesting new take:
Francis Rocca of The Wall Street Journal mentioned the recent Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation and asked whether or not has been any change in the discipline concerning reception of the sacraments by the divorced and remarried.
Which “Spirit” is opposed to Christ? It isn’t the Holy Ghost.
proposing that the Holy Spirit is opposing the very words of Jesus is blasphemy, plainly. If you can't see that, there's little hope. — Hilary White (@Hilarityjane66) April 17, 2016 Here’s why I’ve started my new little project:
_Ask yourselves for a moment which “spirit” is the one most interested in abrogating the Law of Christ. Which spirit is opposed to Christ? It isn’t the Holy Ghost. (It is interesting, and has been commented upon before, that in addition to apparently never genuflecting before the Blessed Sacrament, Pope Francis follows the odd though trendy liberal churchman’s habit of referring most often to “the Spirit” instead of specifying which one.
The next time someone calls him the “Pope of Synodality…”
“Io posso dire sì. Punto.”
Folks, the whole thing is lies, from beginning to end.
Pope Francis, narcissistic father: kids, never try
13,000 words, Chris? Seriously?
I suppose somebody had to do it.
Glad it wasn’t me.
I had a good go at it last night, and today. Haven’t finished. It’s kind of depressing and horrifying. But really no more than the rest of it all.
Here are some thoughts that popped up last night:
It’s the incredible egotism that bugs me, I think. The fact that clearly he and his cabal seriously believe that in 2000 years of saints and doctors, no one in the Church has ever thought, “Gee… maybe people just find it ‘very difficult to act differently’ and have ‘mitigating factors’ in their lives, so maybe we should just excuse sin now, instead of expecting repentance and change, instead of expecting people to do this difficult thing.
He hates us! He really, really hates us!
No, not him.
Some other guy.
Funny how he’s already blocked me on Twitter. Yeah, real brave there dude. And the prissy little sniff, “I won’t link to it.” That’s OK, I’m good for hits. Also, you’re welcome for the link.
I like the pic though. I might use it for a FB profile pic for a while.
Patheos came close to crashing when Elizabeth Scalia went to I’ll Eat Ya.
Judas: not just in hell, but a “demonized human spirit”
Until recently, I had no idea that there were some theological heavy hitters who hold that Judas’ sin was so horrific that it has in effect turned his soul into a kind of demonized spirit in hell. That he can actually “possess” people.
I will be doing a little reading on this, and maybe asking some experts and will get back to you with more.
Meanwhile, the idea that Judas was a “poor hapless chap who repented but hanged himself because the doctors of the law were mean to him” is a total fabrication of a twisted mind.
To propose a conflict between Christ and the Holy Ghost is blasphemy
Twitter trolls helpfully helping to expand my point.
Does no one care for Francis’ immortal soul?
Popes can go to hell too.
@Deosperamus @Pontifex Every day we hear about how the pope knows better than Christ. Not blasphemy? Francis! Repent your blasphemies! — Hilary White (@Hilarityjane66) April 18, 2016 ~
Francis the gaslighter
Funny little aside here, the pope saying that it’s the media that’s obsessed with the issue of D&R Communion.
The question that followed Frank Rocca’s:
Jean-Marie Guenois (Le Figaro): I had the same question, but it’s a complementary question because you wrote this famous ‘Amoris Laetitia’ on the problems of the divorced and remarried (footnote 351). Why put something so important in a little note? Did you foresee the opposition or did you mean to say that this point isn’t that important?
CNA gets it wrong: “I can say yes, many”
“I can say yes, many.”
Sorry guys, but this one’s easy. “Punto” doesn’t mean “many” in any Italian dictionary ever published. I know you got it from the Vatican Radio website, but it might have been a good idea to do your own from the video. Because we can all see and hear the video, and a mistake like this makes you look like chumps.