Yes! we should pity them, because the gay life is a living hell
Joseph Sciambra is a Catholic man who used to be involved in the gay lifestyle and who now runs an apostolate to try to bring Jesus and the truth of the Catholic faith to gay men.
He is just one of the many people who have tried to help men and women trapped in this harmful lifestyle, who sees where the Synod is taking the Church and is horrified. He writes on his Facebook page:
Go help the Remnant
The Remnant can be counted as one of the pillars of the Traditionalist Catholic movement in the Church,
and they’re in trouble…
My buddy Chris Ferrara writes today:
The Remnant enjoys a level of influence in the Catholic world far out of its proportion to its size and minimal financial resources. The unprecedented radicalism of the current Pope, who is dropping one bombshell after another on an already devastated household of the Faith, has awakened many Catholics to the frightening reality of our situation.
Ann Barnhardt on Effeminacy: Volume 1, Book 1, Part 1, Chapter 1, Section 1
Salty language and content alert! Ann’s talking about ter gays and other perversions, so be prepared. Special Snowflakes, have the smelling salts on hand. HJMW
Where. To. Begin.
(Heavy sigh, rubs face, pops knuckles….)
The definition. Always good to start with the definition.
~ Effeminacy is the vice of softness that is opposed to perseverance. ~
But let’s expand on that so that you can understand what exactly that means.
Shock! Horror! Priest In Rome is Gay!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you, Mrs. Dorothy Cummings-McLean, author, columnist and speaker on Catholic affairs and the right ordering of the relations between ladies and gents. She has kindly agreed to blog here now and then as the mood strikes. She writes from her home in Edinburgh, Scotland. Let’s give it up for Dorothy! HJMW Come on out of the closet… where we can see you.
Surprised? Not if you’re Catholic or have ever been to Rome or ever had a young male friend who went to Rome and had enough Italian to understand what the creepier priests were saying to him.
Fr. Brian Harrison: Manipulation has already begun
via email:
Mon, October 5,
Dear Friends
A Synod of Bishops has begun in which the Fathers’ speeches will be limited to 3 minutes and will not be made public; there will be no propositions for the Fathers to vote for or against; and the Committee that will write the “final relatio” has already been named. It includes Cardinal Baldisseri and Archbishop Bruno Forte (main author of the notoriously liberal “interim report” at last year’s Synod), but apparently does not include any prelate known as an outspoken supporter of the traditional doctrine/discipline that prohibits divorced-and-civilly-remarried Catholics from receiving Holy Communion.
What is it going to take?
Mike’s latest.
“What’s it going to take, guys, for you to realise that something has gone really wrong…?”
Let’s play a game! Big Prizes!!
They all sound vaguely familiar and more or less all have the same theme: that of “reconciling” opposed things. Like, “Yes, marriage is indissoluble, and yes, Our Lord said that you can’t get divorced and that a person who does that and gets “married” again is actually committing adultery, and yes, there’s that whole ‘eating and drinking their own condemnation’ stuff, but I think we can turn that frown upside down.
How did things ever get so far? I don’t know. It’s so unfortunate … so unnecessary ….
That’s all right. These things gotta happen every five years or so, ten years. Helps to get rid of the bad blood. Been ten years since the last one. You know, you gotta stop them at the beginning. Like they should have stopped Hitler at Munich, they should never let him get away with that, they was just asking for trouble.
Everybody stop worrying. Relax. Grab a brewskie and a bowl of popcorn.
Grassi says “the Vatican wanted it publicized” not him
Rorate Caeli
User Actions Follow Rorate Caeli@RorateCaeli Grassi tells MSNBC he’s not the one that wanted this story out — the Vatican wanted it publicized and they made it public, not him 8:52 AM – 6 Oct 2015
Le Synode est moi
A Vatican contact writes:
Nota bene: Watch how the Synod is being orchestrated. First, there is a huge emphasis on unity and consensus. This was a theme hit upon over and over during the Pope’s address and during the interventions of Forte, Baldisseri and others.
The message to the Fathers is clear: Don’t be divisive. Of course, as we all know, divisive only works one way….
Second, they are genuinely worried.