“This is my shocked-face” – Cardinal Farrell
So, this is fun. What’s the name for that thing where an expert examines someone’s facial expressions to see if they’re lying or a psychopath or whatnot? Can’t remember.
Anyway, I thought this would be amusing…
I posted the video (the “interview” by notorious liberal water-carrier Cindy Wooden) to a Catholic bloggers’ FB group & we sort of noticed that the words, the situation and the face don’t really match up very well.
Things “good” bishops can do to re-earn (some) trust
Back in Dallas in 2002, the US bishops gave themselves a pass. They put this Dallas Charter on clerical sex abuse up in front of the cameras, a thing that brazenly shifted blame, and said the whole affair was over and-can-everyone-please-go-back-to-respecting-us-now…
Frankly, the only people fooled were themselves. The Dallas Charter specifically excluded their own from the regulations, focusing on the media-generated phantasm of “pedophile priests”. LifeSite and a few others climbed wearily back onto the housetops to start shouting – again – that the whole thing was a whitewash, and that the facts clearly indicated that 1) it was the preponderance of homosexuals in the priesthood and episcopate that was to blame 2) the victims were almost never children, but adolescent males 3) that bishops were guilty of collusion by shifting blame and covering up.
Off for a bit: computer’s broken
I can still basically use it, but the screen is shot. Dropped a heavy object on it. So it’s off to Foligno where there is rumoured to be an Apple Store. I think I’ll be taking along my old one to get them to put a new screen on it and transfer the data from this one, which is what I ought to have done the first time. Someone needs to tell Apple that smaller isn’t better and that the tiny keyboard on a Mac Air, that seems to be designed for the hands of 10 year old children, is positively purgatorial.
How to be super
So, a friend and I were discussing the other day how many of the Avengers are just regular humans. Highly trained and multitalented, to be sure, but not “enhanced” in any way, so they rely on tech to be super. Hawkeye, Black Widow, Sam the Eagle, Ant Man, Tony Stark… they’ve all got specialised training, but they’re just normal humans.
Comics have tackled this issue. I remember in the 80s when I was reading X-Men every month they had a long sequence when Storm lost her powers and became “just plain folks” and it was a big deal for her.
Prayer for a postulant
Everyone please say a prayer today for a young woman who is entering Carmel as a postulant. She’s going in with eyes wide open to everything that is happening, and is doing it anyway.
Pray to St. Therese, who also had great difficulty entering.
How to read the news: a lesson from Tornielli on Veneto’s favourite “married gay” priest
I was doing this on Twitter, but I think it’s more important than that.
So we’re going to do a quick lesson in how to do Vatican commentary and analysis: “Asking the Right Questions.”
Here’s the sample story of the day, La Stampa’s take on the hot-hot Italian Catholic news of the week; a “gay” priest in Veneto who “married” his “partner” in Spain, then came back to Italy to (ahem) carry on as usual.
Latest nuke from Rome: Order of Consecrated Virgins targeted
Trying to get a statement from an actual consecrated virgin, but so far, only this:
“Any theology on the Ordo Virginum is theology about the Church which we reflect. Ergo if we can be dismissed/dispensed then the Church can be separated from Christ. And married people can have their bonds dissolved”
So, once again, we’re looking at another move from the Vatican that attacks a specific object, but by creating a New Paradigm that will work like a retrovirus, re-writing the DNA of the Faith in all other areas.
Just kidding… May God bountifully bless America, and all our American friends
St. Elizabeth Seton, Mother Cabrini, St. Katharine Drexel, St. Kateri Tekawitha, St. John Neumann, St. Rose-Philippine Duchesne, St. Damien of Molokai, Venerable Solanus Casey, Venerable Fulton Sheen…
intercede for our great neighbours and good friends.
Who’s the real traitor? Holy obedience vs. despotism
The rule of law vs. the rule of the “lawful” thugs illustrated here by the dashing young Errol Flynn and the villainous Claude Raines and Basil Rathbone.